As usual, your favorite soldiers downrange gathered to watch the NU vs CU game last night at 2330. Some of us got started a little early and gathered to watch A&M take it to Texass. Sorry Longhorns. Well, not really. I'm sure there are quite a few people in the Longhorn state that are pretty big Okalahoma State fans today, if the Cowpokes pull off the upset Texass will slide into the title game. If OU wins, they get to opportunity to lose to the Big Red. Actually, I am a little bit scared of Oklahoma, they can really run the ball well and their defenese is outstanding. We'll have a tough time moving the ball on them. But, we can break that down next week when we know for sure who we are beating.
We got a little bit crazy last night, as the big dog Lt. Colonel is back home on leave right now. Sidebar, this leaves MAJ Teegerstrom in charge of Task Force Saber aka Team Cav. The LJS did a nice story on him that you can
find here. No mention of
Tomahawks though. Back to the game, we bribed the CSM with some pizza and he let us hang out in the SCO's (Squadron COmmander) office for the game. There used to be a Brigade sized element doing our job, and they had a General in charge, so the SCO inherited a pretty nice sized office. By nice size I mean ginormous, it is bigger than the S1 section where we have 6 people working. As it was our 8 month anniversary, we always eat out, so we bought some Iraqi Pizza Hut, CSM Hall brought the NA beers, and we got to work. Very tasty. We joked about leaving all of the empty beer bottles and pizza boxes for him when we got back like some fraternity party, but decided that would be a CLM (career limiting move). Hammer took some pictures which I'm sure he'll post in a day or two for your viewing pleasure. All in all, it was a good time, the entire section (except for the Chief, as the nursing home locks him down at 2100), the Sergeant Major, SGT Hunt, and even the Chaplain hung out and enjoyed the victory. Good times were had by all. The only real negative is that some other group of soldiers came rolling into theater about a week ago and already have their own commercial supporting the Huskers. We've been here for the whole season, living and dying with every snap, and no love for us. Bummer. Plus they had on their Husker gear which we aren't allowed to wear, even in the office for the game at 0 dark 30. Well, what can you do?
Here are some pictures I
stole downloaded from Billy C sharing a last tunnel walk with Zac on Senior Day.
Barry Turner pulling in the TD on the trickery. We sure pulled out all of the stops in this game. Joe Ganz said this about the play: "Barry's always bragging about how he was a good tight end in high school. We ran the play in practice and he dropped it - so I didn't think I'd ever throw it to him again. And Defensive tackle Ola Dagunduro had this to say about Turner's catch: "I'm going to hear every day from him about that touchdown. But I'm happy for him. He was open and caught the pass. In practice he actually missed it, so we thought that we'd never go to him." How funny was it that ABC was ready with his high school stats at TE?

Purify making an acrobatic catch. That was a huge play, and came as they were interviewing his mom. I think if we are having problems moving the ball against our Big 12 South foe next week we should one of Taylor's relatives ready to interview. You are guaranteed a big play.

Brandon Jackson had another huge game. He is tough to tackle in the open field, as quite a few Buffs found out. He is slowly turning into one of my favorite I-backs.
This is one of the best pictures I've seen all year. Nice shot World Herald, Huskers carrying the Big 12 North trophy to the locker room.

On to the championship game. We'll be underdogs regardless of who we play. We'll need to eliminate the mental mistakes, turnovers, shoddy tackling, and penalties (6 false starts in the 12th game of the year is absolutely unbelievable) in order to have a shot. But we can beat either team with a solid performance. BCS here we come!
Well, I only got 3 hours sleep last night due to the late game time, so that is all I have to say about that. I am going to try to get bed early, so I can get up and watch the USC and Notre Dame game, which kicks off at 0400 our time. Most likely I'll reset my alarm for 0600 and just watch the second half, but a boy can dream. A boy can dream.