Submitted for your review is this Thanksgiving tribute that the good Captain sent me last week. Check it out while you are enjoying your long weekend of turkey, football, and family this weekend.
As with most other holidays, it will be business as usual here with one exception. The DFAC I'm sure will have something special planned for us. I don't suspect that we'll get a Butterball (umm, ConAgra, do you really think it is necessary to make me choose between English and Spanish before I access the Butterball web site? I sure don't). I'm sure they will do their best with what they have, and I'm hoping for some pumpkin pie. And some pecan too, it is Thanksgiving after all. Maybe even some ice cream as well. Might as well get crazy.

One of the Weber traditions on Thanksgiving is that everyone says something they are thankful for before eating dinner. I've always thought this was a good way to make sure that the purpose of the holiday is not lost amid the eating, drinking, and being merry. Since I won't be present this year, I thought I would share my list ahead of time.
I'm thankful this Thanksgiving for:
- Having the most supportive wife in the world during this deployment, thanks babe, I couldn't do this without you
- Being blessed with a happy and healthy son
- The support of my family, friends and co-workers back home, your letters, emails and packages always but a smile on my face
- A relatively safe job here on a base that has the most amenities of any in theater
- Working in a great section with great guys, and at a desk with a/c
- Internet, email, and phone access to stay in touch with everyone back home
- Cool weather here, I don't miss the days of 115+
- My employers generous support while I'm gone
- Our weekly bible study
- All of the people at home that our praying for me, my family, and my unit
- The opportunity to grow in my faith while I'm away from home
- Being able to serve in the finest armed forces in the world, for the greatest country on earth, on a mission that is bringing freedom to people that haven't ever tasted it
I had a few more but they are escaping me right now, so I may do some updating this week if they come to me. You enjoy your time off and hit the Black Friday sales for me.
And Thank God for you! You all do us proud back home. Stay safe and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Beans' Mom.
P.S. Could you give Brent a thump on the head for me for "Going for Two"???!!! :)
You don't know me and I don't know you. Clicked my way onto your blog from some other website. But, I dutifully check your blog daily to read what you have to say. I'm from MN and I have a brother currently serving in the MN National Guard in Iraq. A soldier's courage, strength, and selflessness amazes me. Your family must be darn proud of you; America is! Have a great Turkey Day and I pray you return home to your family and loved ones.
As I will also miss the Weber Thanksgiving, this year I'm thankful for...
~my freedom, which I have because of you and people like you.
~Dan and his whole family for always making me feel welcome and comfortable.
~landing a job that I love.
~all the amenities that God continues to provide.
~my family.
~like you...the list continues...
God bless, and happy Thanksgiving.
I am thakful that i live in this great country of ours, that I can appreciate what you all have to say and not worry about what I write myself on this blog.
SGT Kane,
I am glad you enjoy my emails. It is a pleasure forwarding you this vital information.
Stay safe, and thanks again for your service.
CPT WarCorn
Happy Thanksgiving Sack! I hope that it is as good as can be over there. Nice list of "Thankfuls". Stay safe and God bless.
Ma Beans,
I tried to talk some sense into your son but he had his mind up. I told him that there would most likely be plenty of chances to get back over here after spending some time home with the family. Kids these days!
Thanks for stopping by and for the kind words. I hope you don't mind the Husker talk too much on your daily visits.
Great list! Maybe Dan can hook you up with some leftovers?
We do live in great country. Thanks for commenting.
10 years of mediocrity.
Enjoy your holiday as well. I saw your post on the recipes and it looks like you'll be having a great meal! And I am going to root for your longhorns to beat A&M so that we can get another shot at you. And beat you badly.
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