Why do I post this again you ask? Because if you open it up and zoom in, you will notice the Red Bull insignia of the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division. Yup, you got it, our higher headquarters for this deployment was involved in picture-gate. Pretty sweet. Generally we have a love/hate (I can't tell a lie, it is probably hate/hate) relationship with Brigade as they are our higher and, well, nobody in the military likes their higher. I am lucky in that I get along with all of the JAG people at Brigade, but I can't say the same for the rest of the unit, and I'm sure they would say the same about the (insert expletive here) Cav. Anyway, I've never been more proud to be associated with the Red Bulls than I am today. It even went so far that the head honchos down in Baghdad sent out some talking points about the picture. Rest assured that everybody knows it is a joke and nobody will be punished in any way.
I guess Mr. Waffle decided to apologize, kindof. Here is what he said.
"I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform, and I personally apologize to any service member, family member, or American who was offended," he added.
Man, this guy can't even apologize right. I regret that my words were misinterpreted? Not much of an apology in my book. I think he is saying that we in the military are too dumb to realize that he isn't really apologizing and is also saying that we weren't hip enough to get the joke. We get it John. Now go back to Massachusetts again please. The last 2 years have been nice without you.
He is such a dumb@$$.
That is so cool about the 34th in the picture. When I saw that picture yesterday in the news I had quite a good laugh over it. I was so incensed about Kerry's remarks that I wrote in to Fox about it:
Kerry is an insult to all Americans, especially those who have loved ones serving in the military or who have served themselves. I've noticed how quickly he "apologized" for his statement after pressure from his party – and how quick they've been to distance themselves from him. He was for his statement...before he was against it.
If he thinks that the uneducated, lazy students are the ones getting "stuck in Iraq", as he puts it, he needs to look at the statistics.
Last year, the Heritage Foundation published a study titled, "Debunking the myth of the underprivileged soldier," which said "the typical recruit in the all-volunteer force is wealthier, more educated and more rural than the average 18- to 24-year-old citizen is."
For every two recruits coming from the poorest neighborhoods, the study said, "there are three recruits coming from the richest neighborhoods."
Today's military is a super smart war machine that has nuclear energy operators, star-wars level ballistic systems, avionics and computer scientists, logistics systems and thousands of other sophisticated and highly trained soldier technicians. Even the simplest battlefield equipment now requires advanced technicians to manage and deploy them.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the military also created the GPS systems we take for granted. They're anything but stupid.
The man I am dating proudly serves in the Army in Iraq, his unit provides the security for one of the bases in Iraq and, when he is home, is finishing his degree for civil engineering. Uneducated? Think again.
As an aside, Kerry was also in the military, is he calling himself uneducated then as well? He was a traitor to this nation in the Viet-Nam era and he is a traitor to this nation now.
Keep the faith, Sack, and stay safe.
What an idiot!
It's just flat out un-American.
That sign by your boys in the 34th ID is awesome.
Good letter by Nicole, interesting stuff about the Heritage Foundation speaking the truth.
Thought you would be proud to know thatI made the change to the "Thick and Tasty" brother. Threw out the Heinz that I had bought in bulk from Costco and I'm going to the Hunts. And for a guy that likes ketchup as much as I do...someone might want to make a call to that hag that John Kerry calls a wife to slow down the tomato line over there at Heinz. I might just start to carry a bottle with me. Never know when I'll be dining and just can't take the chance of slathering down the recipe of the dark side.
You say for him to head back to Massachusetts? Shoot, doesn't look like they even want him. So, I was looking around and it appears that there must be plenty of room down in Mexico. Maybe he should head down there because after comments like that...doesn't seem like he's an American anyways.
Ole' buddy B
Great letter. Thanks for your support.
I had a choice between Hunts and Heinz last night and I choose to stand with America and Hunts ketchup. I'm glad that you are doing the same. John Kerry to Mexico, I like it. Maybe he could take Hillary with him?
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