Today is Saturday. Not much different on Saturday's except for the fact that it is Fried Rice Night at DFAC #3. I am working on assigning something to look forward to for every day of the week, but I'm not quite there. Here is what I have so far: Monday, Tuesday - open. Wednesday - Bible Study, Thursday - Mongolian Grill, Friday - Office Cleaning Day, Saturday - Fried Rice, Sunday - Ice Cream day. So as you can see I'm getting close to having all slots filled. I'm currently considering candidates for the 2 openings, I'll let you know when they are filled. If you have any great ideas feel free to add a comment! It may seem trivial, but having these little things to look forward to helps break up the days somewhat. One more day to Ice Cream day! When you wear the same clothes everyday, work with the same people, and follow the same routine, the days/weeks can start to grind on you.
We went swimming yesterday. The temp has been hovering around 99 all week. The water in the pool is really cold, which feels great with how hot it is outside. There are 3 diving platforms, although you can't go on the highest. We think the 1st is 4 meters and the second is 8 meters. I went off the first but haven't tried the second one out yet, I don't want to ruin all of the fun the first time out. SGT Hanseling has been the off the big one a few times, which is good motivation for me to do it eventually. It was funny, because it was almost like being home for a minute or two, people playing water volleyball and basketball, laying out, and having fun. I say almost because a couple of Apache attack helicopters flew over at what looks like about 50 feet, ruining the illusion.
I got a little bit of pub this week. This link is the bi-weekly newsletter for the Brigade. Quick Army lesson. Brigade is our parent unit, 1/34 BCT (Brigade Combat Team) out of Minnesota (Red Bulls). Within the Brigade there are multiple Battalions, mine is 1-167 Cavalry (Task Force Saber). Since we are Cav we call ourselves a Squadron but it is really the same thing. Within each Battlaion there are companies. Again, we like to be different in the Cav so we have Troops. My unit is Headquarts and Headquarters Troop, hence the HHT, 1-167th Cav that you see on my mailing address. Some of you asked what the RSTA stands for, that is Reconaissance, Surveilance, and Target Acquisition, which is what our Squardon is transitioning to from the traditional Cavlary. There will be a quiz on this next week. Okay, back to what I was saying originally. We have a legal section to each newsletter, and I have the honor of being the first paralegal featured. If I would have known that is what they were going to use the picture for I would have sent them this one:

I am trying to organize two wheel cart races but no one wants a piece of me. Or maybe nobody wants to break an arm. They also did a nice write up of our whole section in the Cav newsletter, but it isn't on the web yet, so I can't post it here yet. Once it gets uploaded I'll link to it here. If you just can't wait and want to see it, send me an email I'll send it to you. Talk to you soon.