I've been meaning to post this for quite some time, but a variety of things have kept me from the blog. Perhaps the most glaring was the fact that my computer crashed shortly after I got home on June 27th, and I just now got it fixed. Among other reasons/excuses is that blogging has slipped from its perch as my number 3 leisure activity while in Iraq (after gym time and running) to approximately number 46.
Anyway, I wanted to let anyone know that has been stopping by that I am home safe and sound. Reintegration with the family is a challenge but is going well, better then I expected. I had a spectacular coming home party a few weeks ago, and Erika and I just returned from 4 days in Lake Tahoe. I have pictures of both that I will be posting shortly now that I have a working computer with internet again.
Sorry this is so short, more to follow when things get settled down some.
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FIVE-TIME NATIONAL FOOTBALL CHAMPS "Not the victory but the action. Not the goal but the game. In the deed the glory." |
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
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Hey,Thanks! for posting an update. I just figured you were enjoying home and family:)
Looking forward to the pictures!!
Enjoy your time with your family and friends!
Welcome Home!
Trackbacked by The Thunder Run - Web Reconnaissance for 07/30/2007
A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day...so check back often.
Our apt. building was struck by lightening during an Aug. storm, so I just got a computer now! So glad you are home and enjoying your family even though I know all of us miss reading your blogs.
Chaplain Luken just got back from a little trip, too, (friends in Alaska) and his uncle, Randy, and I are hoping to go to Branson again. So all's well.
Judy and Randy
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