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FIVE-TIME NATIONAL FOOTBALL CHAMPS "Not the victory but the action. Not the goal but the game. In the deed the glory." |
Friday, June 22, 2007
Almost Home
Well, we are back on friendly soil finally. We hit Fort McCoy, Wisconsin on Tuesday and are all well on our way to getting demobilized and out of here. The folks here are great, and it is wonderful to be back in the US of A. They are planning a little party for us when we get back, you can read about it at Omaha.com or LJS.com. More to come later when I have some more free time, internet and email access is very hard to come by and we've had some long days checking the boxes trying to get out of here.
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Trackbacked by The Thunder Run - Web Reconnaissance for 06/22/2007
A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day...so check back often.
Welcome home!! Wow, what great news! Drop me a line when you get a chance.
Jim C
Thinking Right
Wonderful news:)
While you and your loved ones are the star attractions today as you arrive home from Iraq, know that our prayers are with you (and your Chappy Todd too). Wish we could be among the thousands of well wishers greeting you today in Nebraska.
This is the day that kept you all going as you withstood long work days, the unrelenting heat, the pain of separation, days of low morale, and stress. The light of your service, though, lit our path even here in Minneapolis.
Keep the faith and stay strong. Your brave service
made us proud and was a continuous song to Our Lord in some of our darkest days. Thanking you doesn't seem enough. Trying to follow your example is better. You made us better persons, too.
Welcome home. God bless you and all those you love,
Judy and Chap. Todd's Uncle Randy
welcome home. My DH is right behind you.... Chief says hiya.
Sack in Iraq! Welcome Back!! So good to have you back on THIS half of the world!!!! HOOAH!
Just wanted to say thanks for your blog this past 15 months. You have been an inspiration for all of us back home. Wow....look where you've been and where you are today.
The good Lord has blessed each and every one of you very, very, fine young men. Jeff and Germaine are blessed now within the Lords presence and He holds their families very close in His arms. You guys are the finest the world has to offer. Thanks for your many sacrifices, the sacrifices of your family and friends, and God Bless America. Welcome home man!
I feel as though I've known you for a lifetime and ANY parent would be proud to have you as their own son.
I looked all over for you on Sunday but when there's 5,000+ people, and of course my own son to hug and kiss.... Well, you understand. I hope to meet you in person at Beans' party.
Enjoy your welcome home, your family, and your friends.
Ma Beans.
Welcome home Sack,
I can't wait to see you when I get back.
Lil Sack.
WELCOME HOME!!! and Thanks!
My name is Craig J. Phillips and I am a traumatic brain injury survivor as well as a master’s level rehabilitation counselor. Through out my lifetime, I have taught myself how to overcome many insurmountable odds. These strategies have helped me to prosper and succeed. On February 6, 2007, I decided to start a blog at /www.secondchancetolive.wordpress.com/ Second Chance to Live presents topics that motivate encourage and empower the reader. As a tbi survivor, I can speak from my experience, strength and hope. As a professional, I provide information to encourage, motivate and empower both disabled and non-disabled individuals. Our circumstances are not meant to keep us down, but to build us up. Second Chance to Live empowers the readers to live life on life's terms. (Please read Addendum below)
Please read my post; secondchancetolive.wordpress.com/2007/02/18/my-journey-thus-far as that will help you understand more about my background. Professionally speaking, I have nursing training on the LPN level, I have an undergraduate degree in Theology, with a minor in Physical Education / Recreation, and a masters degree in Rehabilitation Counseling. I have practical experience with in nursing, emergency medicine, physical education, private and public rehabilitation, chemical dependency counseling, day treatment and partial hospitalization for mentally ill adults, and I have worked with in both the cemetery and funeral industries. In addition I have been pursuing my own personal empowerment for the last 30 years. Please consider sharing my site with anyone who needs to be encouraged, motivated or empowered.
Per my traumatic brain injury, at the age of 10, I was in a motor vehicle accident. Upon impact -- the Cadillac hitting our VW Beetle -- I was thrown forward from where I sat, behind my father who was driving. On my way forward, I snapped my left femur on my Dad's bucket seat and then hit the windshield. When my head hit the windshield, I sustained an open skull fracture. The injury to my brain resulted in my remaining in a coma for 3 weeks. Upon waking from what I thought was a bad dream, I found my left leg elevated and in traction. Slowly, it became apparent that I was not merely in a bad dream. Although I am unable to remember much from that time in my life, one memory stands out. The right side of my forehead -- where the fracture occurred -- was depressed inward like a shallow bowl. I later learned that my right frontal lobe had been damaged, that I had sustained a severe brain contusion, and that my brain stem had been impacted.
In 1967 neurological rehabilitation was not available. As a result, I was virtually on my own. I had to re-teach myself how to walk, talk, read, write and speak in complete sentences. Although my injuries were life threatening and I was not expected to succeed beyond high school, I went on to obtain both my undergraduate and graduate degrees. I have learned that daunting pessimism and negativity is pointless. My hope is that through visiting my site, those individuals who may have lost hope will see a new light. This light will in turn guide them to a renewed hope, an array of possibilities, and a new zest for living.
Second Chance to Live, www.secondchancetolive.wordpress.com will enable the reader to live life on life’s terms.
Please share my site with both disabled and non-disabled individuals.
Thank you for your time and kindness,
Respectfully yours,
Craig J. Phillips MRC, BA
I find that sometimes groups and organizations with whom I share Second Chance to Live do not look beyond my being a traumatic brain injury survivor. My injury happened in 1967 when I was 10 years old. I was not suppose to be able to succeed beyond high school, if that according to the professionals of the day. Nevertheless, I am a master's level rehabilitation counselor, have an undergraduate degree in Theology with a minor in physical education/recreation, nursing training on the licensed practical nurse level, and have an Emergency Medical Technician certification.
Practically speaking I have worked as a master's level rehabilitation counselor in both the private and public sectors helping individuals with various types of disabilities. I have also worked in a 28-day residential treatment center for dually diagnosed individuals, in a partial hospitalization program for people with mental illness and have worked with both the funeral and cemetery industries. I have also ardently pursued my own personal empowerment path for over 30 years. My educational and practical experiences give me the credibility to speak to my process as a traumatic brain injury survivor. I am not my tbi. I am not my deficits or limitations and I would appreciate it if you would not put me in a box as solely a tbi survivor.
Presently, I have 137 posts that present strategies for living life on life's terms. Our circumstances are not meant to hold us down but to build us up. I do not know how much time you have spent reading those pages, however if you can take the time to read several of the published material on Second Chance to Live, you would find that I address practical solutions to living life on life's terms. I am published in the UK's premier horticultural and therapeutic journal, Growth Point in their summer addition for people with all sorts of disabilities. Please take time to read my material so that you can offer Second Chance to Live to your readers. My material addresses a wide range of topics and provides practical strategies. My site is mulit-dimensional.
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