Here is a cool picture that SFC Schultz took for the latest RSTA Review. It is in front of the JDOC, CSM Hall (without sombrero) and LTC Apprich are seated with other members of the Cav surrounding him. In the back are M1114 Humvees which are uparmored from the factory and are the primary guntrucks for convoy escort and other missions outside the wire. The sign in the middle was donated by a gentleman back in Lincoln, it has been carried with the Cav throughout the deployment. Centered on the sign is the flagpole that flies the Scarlet and Cream daily, which is unfortunately too high to be seen.

Here is a recent picture of Mr. Benjamin. He is up and walking everywhere. I asked if he was brushing by himself but he is just carrying the toothbrush around.
1 comment:
Well there's no doubt who Benjamin's parents are! Seriously guys - he's so cute. From his expression, it even looks like he's inherited a bit of his dad's mischevious sense of humor. :)
Hang in there in the heat. I promise I'll never complain about a 95 degree day again!
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