Thursday, October 04, 2007

Hey There

Don't know if anyone is still stopping by, since I haven't posted anything in quite some time. I had to take a break from reading the news and blogging as I was a little bit burnt out. Frankly, since I've been home, I don't really read anything on the war, politics, or current events. I just can't handle anymore stories about OJ, Brittney, etc. etc so I pretty much just tuned everything out and am focused on my family. There is just so much negativity in everything out there that I don't have the energy to sort through it all.

Sunday is the big day, the Chicago marathon. Unfortunately I am nursing a minor foot injury so I'm not exactly sure how it is going to go. I injured it about a month ago and have been nursing it ever since. I couldn't really afford to quit running altogether, but I also couldn't run enough to really get ready. So, it is a little bit of a guess at this point how I will do. I've revised my goal down to just finishing, I'm going to go out at about a 1o minute per mile pace instead of the 9 minute per mile pace I was training for. That puts me around 4:30 so we'll see how that goes. I am going to do my best and thank all of you in advance for your support, both with donations to the Fisher House and your thoughts and prayers.

Being home is fantastic, better then I could have imagined. Erika and Ben are wonderful, I'm so thankful to be home safe and be back home with them. My wife is the real hero, how she kept things going around the house without me I'll never know. Truly God has blessed me with a strong, capable, loving wife and mother. Ben grows every day, he is so much fun to be around and to spend time with. Work has been good as well, ConAgra has gone above and beyond continually and made the transition easy for me.

Well, that is about I have time for now. I am not going to promise anything, but I do have some more posts I want to put up so if you check back in the next couple of weeks I'll put up my Chicago Marathon result and also some pictures that I have saved up.


  1. Hope the Marathon went well, I of course being a slacker,lol, didn't make it by sooner to post a Good Luck Before the race!

  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I checked out the marathon results and it appears you achieved your goal, for time? Nice work big guy.

  3. YES!!! You're back up and blogging. I was beginning to wonder if this day would ever come! :) What a pleasant surprise. I'm sorry they cancelled the race and made your results unofficial, but I'm glad you persevered and finished anyway. We expected no Dan says, it's you being "army strong." Nice work!

