Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hard to Believe, but I'm Getting Published

You may remember that I did a few stories for the Sandbox, a blog set up by the folks that bring you Doonesbury. The first one I submitted, Not My Grandfather's War, is going to be included in a new book that they are putting out (my other story is here). I'm incredibly excited and thrilled to be included, this book will make a nice reminder of my time over here. There are so many great writers out there blogging about this war and I feel honored to be included among them.

Here is the preliminary cover:

And the preliminary back:

All proceeds from the book will be donated to the Fisher House. From their website:

Because members of the military and their families are stationed worldwide and must often travel great distances for specialized medical care, Fisher House™ Foundation donates "comfort homes," built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers. These homes enable family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful times - during the hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury.

You can pre-order the book at Amazon.com. It is only 14.95, so go out and get one. It should be out sometime this summer. I'll even autograph it for you. That is of course if you live in the Omaha/Lincoln area and make a trip over to my house. Or invite me over to your place for dinner, whatever works for you. I suppose I could even meet you somewhere, but we can work all of that out later. I've read almost all of the posts that will be in the book and they are all fantastic, you won't be disappointed.


  1. Congrats Steve - that's incredible! I'm proud to have been in the same creative writing class as an actual published author!

  2. That's wonderful! You are a great writer and have caught the eye of many during this deployment. You should be proud of yourself, not for just your writing skills and way with words, but for everything you've endured while being over there.

    We'll be sure and invite you over for dinner, actually, how about a cookout, so I can get my copy autographed not only by a real live hero and author, but a marathon runner as well!?

    Take care and keep up the good writing!

    Ma Beans.

  3. Just read your good news about coming home "early"!

    Hope Chappy Luken gets the same orders.

    Great news about the book. Hope we can get it.

    Judy and Randy (Chappy's Uncle)

  4. Steve,
    Congratulations. I will definitely get a copy of the book and would love to have you sign it. You guys take care as you prepare to head home. Thank you for your outstanding service to your Country. Your talented writing and story telling has been enjoyed by so many of us at home.

    Many generations to come will be able to get a personal view on this war as they read your personal stories and the stories of so many Service Men and Women.

    We pray for God's protection over all you as you travel safely home.

    Paula Burnham

  5. Hey Steve...
    Everyone keeps saying you should write a book because you're so talented...now you don't even have to go through the troubles of getting it published because someone will do it for you! Good job. I'm sure it will be a great read. Who knows the war better than those who were a part of it? Those are the stories I enjoy most of all.

  6. Wow, congratulations!

    I'll definitely have to start 'pimping this out!" :)

  7. Ade,
    Luckily for you, you weren't in the class the year before that I got an F in. Not my proudest moment!

    Ma Beans,
    I will take you up on that. It will be great to meet the family in person. I'll even wear my Bud shirt. If the wife lets me that is.

    I don't know if you have had a chance to talk to Chappy yet, but unless something changes he is rolling home with us. Definitely an answered prayer!

    Mrs. Burnham,
    The Burnometer and I are sharing a bunk in transiet housing. Luckily his legendary snoring habit from Camp Shelby seems to have disappeared.

    If I do write a book it will be out Ol' Buddy B, so that is still on the table.

    Thanks! It will be nice to get hom and have open access to the net so I can check out what you are up to again.

  8. Well if you can make it, mark July 7th on your calendar! We're having a party for Beans. I'm sure he's already told/invited you! And if that doesn't work out, we'll definitely make it happen at a later date.

    Ma Beans.

  9. Steve,
    Thank goodness the snores are gone. Sarah and I have endured many sleepless nights while on vacation due to the harmonious snoring of Spc Burnham and his dad. Unfortunately, the Burnometer's dad still has the affliction. Take care guys. Lincoln is getting ready for your return...You have been missed by your families, your co workers, friends and neighbors. We can hardly wait to shower all of you with hugs. You can't know how excited we all are to get you home....See you all soon. By the way Aunt Julie says that snoring is a sign of intelligence...

  10. Steve Kane is the man, and now that he is a published author - the world will finally be exposed to his brilliance. Or something like that. Congrats.

  11. Awesome! Hooah Baby!
