I've said it before - we've forgotten the days when we called for blood. We've forgotten the days when we listened to the President tell us that this would be a long war, would have many fronts, and would not look like any war we'd seen before, and our only response was the rallying cry of that horrible day - "Let's roll."
I have always believed, always known, that no foreign power would destroy my country. I have always known that my country was something amazing - something unique, and possessed of an innate will, an innate strength, which would always make her a fearsome enemy.
Our enemies - all of our enemies - hate what we are. They hate that we continue to snub convention. They hate that we flourish, because it exposes their failures. They hate that we exalt the individual achievement, because they see their own weaknesses. They hate that we do not apologize for greatness, because they see their own inadequacies. They hate our courage, because it exposes their cowardice. They hate those of us who speak plainly, who call terrorists and murderers and cowards what they are, because it exposes the thin veil of their lies.
Half a world away, men and women willingly risk their lives for a country that we would simply give away. To do so is the ultimate betrayal. It is an offense that is unforgiveable.
Go read the rest, it is well worth your time.
A few posts back I mentioned SSG Johnson's new toaster oven. Here is a picture. Not sure what that Goldbond is doing there. This is what passes for excitement for us now a days, making sandwiches and pizzas in our office.

Turkey/bacon/swiss hot out of the oven.
SSG Johnson enjoying his well made sandwich.
Here are the steak(s) I enjoyed for the Super Bowl. They didn't have any big enough to meet my standards for the Super Bowl so I had 2. Who needs sides?
The LSA Anaconda Consolidated Legal Center has a pretty neat paint job that I thought I would share. Right before the 3rd Coscom group left in September, they repainted the t-walls to look like a castle. Every building here is surronded by these cement barriers to help protect from mortar attacks. The paint jobs can be quite cool, but usually they are limited to one or 2 barriers right in front. Some poor joes got to paint the whole thing.
We know call it Castle JAG.
Thank you for the link, your comment at the blog, and for everything you do.
How ya doing? Hope things are going well over there. Just thought I'd drop by and say hello and thank you again for doing the interview a couple of months ago. Drop me an email at jimc - at - thinking-right.com.
I don't have any idea who she is but I think Pam hit the nail right on the head with the post that you linked. She sounds like an incredible patriot and the true meaning of an American. You're right, great read.
Looks like you may possibly be showing those guys a little Don & Millie's magic with the sandwiches huh? Nice.
Thanks for the pictures. The castle wall looks awesome. Someone had to be pretty talented to take that task on.
Nice pics. I think if I had to enter those walls every day (or stand behind them) I'd much rather look at the castle than dull grey cement. I also think instead of a stetson Brad needs a chef hat...lookin' tasty! Speaking of pics, Benjamin is lookin' pretty sweet with Cookie Monster. Nice work.
Hello. My wife and I bought our house about 6 months ago. It was a foreclosure and we were able to get a great deal on it. We also took advantage of the 8K tax credit so that definitely helped. We did an extensive remodeling job and now I want to refinance to cut the term to a 20 or 15 year loan. Does anyone know any good sites for mortgage information? Thanks!
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